I like to call myself a perpetual wanderer whose main goal is to love people well so they might love others better.
True confession, though? I sure do the first part well but not so much the latter and I'm consciously thankful for new days where I can try again.

I love goals, checklists, people, and travel. Each of those items fuels another. My passion for people has not only led me to find out more about places much different than my home of San Francisco (I've made it to all 50 states and 50 countries due to some goals and checklists) but pressed me to spend the last few years building partnerships in the social entrepreneurship space.
In 2011 I started a small fanny pack company called hiip and through our sales get the pleasure of hanging out sometimes with my homeless neighbors of San Francisco. My goal in founding the company was to bring together two seemingly different groups of people: those who "have" and those who have less. I wanted to facilitate a sense of belonging in my own neighborhood, on my own streets. There is so much beauty to be found in our urban cities if we stop to look around us but more so if we stop to look at those around us.
Aside from those usual suspects mentioned above, I love hunting for the best food in San Francisco and am way too into stage shows and their accompanying soundtracks for my own good. I could sit in the MET or Chicago Institute of Art or Prado for hours and never get bored staring at the walls; I love completely, laugh loudly, and sing at every opportune (or un-!) moment. When I grow up, I hope to be a race car or big rig driver and, due to my boundless adoration for muddy #AlabamaMusic, am anxiously awaiting the day someone sweeps me away to my dream destination of Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
Should you ever want to get in touch, pop on over and say "hi!" on Twitter or Instagram.